How to Transform Your Home into a Wellness Haven
How to Transform Your Home into a Wellness Haven

By Alena Kairys

Aug 18, 2023

August may be National Wellness Month, but practicing wellness throughout the year benefits you physically and mentally. And with all the craziness of life, your home should be the one place where you can reset and relax. Use these simple tips and tricks to turn your home into a wellness haven (even if it’s not.)

Clean Home, Clean Mind 

Have you ever felt at ease in a space with stuff piled everywhere? Probably not. The cleanliness and organization of a room has a larger impact on our wellbeing than we might realize. Cleaning and decluttering your home is the first step to improving your living space. Focus on tackling the most used areas of your home and obvious signs of grime. Declutter by donating or tossing items you don’t need or use frequently—don’t keep things that no longer serve you. Use storage systems to help you maintain organization. Institute daily habits that encourage organization and cleanliness, like leaving shoes by the entryway, hanging up coats on a rack, cleaning up messes as they happen, and always putting things in their proper place. If you have young kids or pets, give them storage containers where they can put their toys.

Zen Aesthetic

Pop of Color Psychology

The color of your walls can strongly influence your mood and even behavior. Giving your home a paint update is a simple way to create a peaceful environment, particularly for bedrooms and bathrooms. Classic soothing paint choices include shades of blue, off-white, light neutrals, earth tones, and light tints of other colors. Avoid very vivid or very dark colors as they may make you more prone to excitement or gloominess. 

Pieces of You

Making your home feel more retreat-like doesn’t mean your home should be devoid of your personal touch! Enhance your space with a few decorative pieces that make you happy. These could include an art piece, framed family photos, or a cool knickknack. Be cautious not to add too many or it can have the opposite effect. 

Plant Happy

Having houseplants in your home isn’t just trendy and aesthetically pleasing, it has wellness benefits, too! Incorporating touches of nature in the home can boost calmness, creativity, mood, productivity, and improve indoor air quality. Consider placing a few plants around your home, like in your living room, bedroom, or bathroom. No green thumb? No problem! You can reap the benefits of biophilic design with faux plants, nature artwork, or decor made from natural materials.

Good Vibes Only

Setting the mood isn’t just for the movies or date night, it contributes to your home’s atmosphere and how cozy it feels. Engage multiple senses with scents, sounds, and lighting that lend to a more comforting ambience. When choosing light bulbs, pay attention to the temperature and lumen levels. Temperature refers to how warm (more yellow) or cool (more blue) the light is, and lumens refer to how intense the light is. For the rooms where you unwind the most, choose lights with temperatures between 2200-2700K to give off a soft, white glow. The larger the room is, the more lumens you may need to adequately light the area. You can also install dimmer switches or use smart lighting to easily control a room’s brightness. For bedrooms, consider using light blocking blinds to enhance your sleep. 

Scent is a powerful tool that can put you in the right state of mind. Use scented candles, air fresheners, or fragrance diffusers to jumpstart rejuvenation. Lavender, eucalyptus, sage, and chamomile are popular calming choices. When you’re taking time to decompress or prepare for bedtime, try playing soothing sounds through a speaker to help ground you. Many people enjoy falling asleep to sounds of the ocean, rain, forests, and white noise.

Although we can’t control every stressor in life, your home should be a place that fosters reflection and rejuvenation. When you create the optimal environment for relaxation, you’ll be well on your way to truly feeling relaxed.  m

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