Home inspections are a very important part of both the home buying and selling process. It is always a good idea to hire a Home Inspector to properly inspect a house. Home Inspectors are professionals who are trained to have a keen eye for catching things that a normal homeowner (or potential homebuyer) may not notice.
Here are some of the things that a professional inspector might check for:
Asbestos and lead paint
Hidden damage (termites, support structure, etc.)
Foundation damage
Roofing issues
Chimney hazards
Pests (rodents and/or insects)
Radon, carbon monoxide, and/or other hazardous gasses or elements
Efficiency of appliances
Although a home inspection costs extra money and may not be the most exhilarating experience, it is necessary when buying a home. It is in your best interest (and for your own safety) to have a professional look over the home before you purchase it. Even if a house looks to be move-in ready, there could be hidden issues throughout the house.
If big issues are found by the Home Inspector, speak with your Real Estate Agent. In some cases, your Agent can work with the seller’s Agent to have some, if not all, of the necessary repairs paid for by the sellers. This could be done by either the sellers paying for the repairs prior to the home being sold, or by giving the buyer closing cost assistance at the time of closing. If the seller is not willing to assist, talk to your Mortgage Loan Originator to see if you will have enough money available to make the necessary repairs after closing, or if you need a home improvement loan to be able to afford the repairs. If the costs end up being overwhelming, it might be best to speak with your Agent and move on to another property.
For more information regarding home inspections and their benefits, click here.